Wednesday, December 12, 2018

How to Add network Drivers to Boot Image – MDT 2013 (8450)

You will get the below error message when you don’t have the correct network driver installed
The following networking device did not have a driver installed.
 The above error is due to missing VMXNET3 driver.
Copy the network card driver from a VM which has VMware tools installed. 
 Create a folder on local or network drive to copy the file. I have created a folder called Drivers.

  Right click on Out-of-box drivers and select import drivers.

Follow the prompts and import the drivers to MDT

Once you finish importing you should be able to see the driver added to the out-of-box driver's section

 Update the deployment share and select completely regenerate the boot images.

 Once Finish, Goto WDS and update the old boot image either by deleting or replace the old one.


1 comment:

Venky said...

Thank for sharing fix, it worked.

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